By Amy Rose, Indigenous Relationships Manager

From L-R: Etienne Bélanger, FPAC Director, Forestry; Gladys Michell and Robert Michell, Selkin Logging owners; and Amy Rose, Canfor’s Indigenous Relationships Manager.
We are proud to congratulate one of Canfor’s contractors – Selkin Logging Limited – for winning the 2019 Indigenous Forestry Product Business Leadership Award. The award, presented by the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) and the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB), recognizes and celebrates selected Aboriginal entrepreneurs for their success in a forest products business.
Selkin Logging Limited was first established in 1990 by Robert and Gladys Michell. From an early period, the company has made significant efforts to ensure the highest standard of safety for their fellow crews and contractors. Hiring employees from an Indigenous background has been at the forefront at Selkin – 90% of their current employees are Indigenous.
Selkin Logging was chosen for this award because of their efforts in aiding Indigenous employment and development, being an Indigenous entrepreneur in the forest products industry and supporting business leadership and safety performance in the delivery of their products and services.
Both Robert and Gladys have worked diligently towards creating a community that provides Indigenous people with sustainable and long-term jobs, which is why Canfor has recognized them as a deserving recipient for this year’s award.
It was our pleasure to nominate Selkin Logging and we look forward to many more years working together.