Performance Against 2017 Targets — Canfor Pulp

Certified Products

Objective Performance

Achieve an overall certified fibre supply level of 85%.

Achieved. 87% certified content. 

Renewable Energy

Objective Performance

Achieve 1 million MWh of generation for 2017.

Generated 951,347 MWh.

Develop a new condensing turbine at Northwood to increase the electrical energy generation by 10 MWh/h for sale into the BC electrical grid.

Achieved. Approved $60-million capital project and started construction.  


Objective Performance

Optimize hot/warm water system to reduce water consumption by 450 million litres of water.

Achieved. Reduced overall water consumption by 5%.  

Implement 6th stage bleach cleaner project to reduce fibre losses by 0.8 ADt/day.

Achieved. Project completed and fibre loss evaluation in progress. 


Objective Performance

Meet the company-wide medical incident rate of 2.0 or lower.

Medical incident rate for Canfor Pulp was 2.12.

Community & People

Objective Performance

Promote success of First Nations candidates by providing 200 individuals with resume and career advice through career fairs and other conversations, including up to 50 over four years through a partnership with the Prince George Nechako Aboriginal Employment and Training Association.

Ongoing. In 2017, met with more than 200 First Nations individuals regarding Canfor careers. Through PGNAETA, held four career-focused meetings. 

Raise awareness of career opportunities for First Nations people through 12 speaking engagements, two facility tours and one employment forum annually.

Achieved. In addition, met with Chiefs and Councils and employment/training coordinators.

Expand partnerships with First Nations through activities coordinated through a company-wide First Nations Working Group.

Achieved. Our First Nations Working Group continues to make progress in expanding partnerships with First Nations.

Continue to enhance the new skills development and training program to facilitate effective and safe performance of tasks.

Ongoing. Canfor College offers 33 targeted training and development programs, and 313 employees attended at least one in-house leadership program.

Design and implement enhanced recruitment processes to attract and retain more diverse candidates, including a specific focus on women across the company and First Nations candidates in our Canadian operations.

Achieved. Moved to one integrated technology program, certified US mills, hosted a community reception in El Dorado, and contributed to local communities.

Expand focus on workforce diversity within development programs, including expanded focus on inclusive leadership in Canfor College leadership development programs.

Achieved. Redesigned leadership programs, and added diversity modules.